

AAA provides effective EXIM policy consultancy and advisory services to help businesses navigate the complex world of foreign trade. We have a wide range of experience in solving foreign trade problems for various industries, and we can customize our advice to meet your specific needs. Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable consultants will work with you to develop the best foreign trade strategies for your business, and we will provide you with end-to-end support, from documentation to execution.

EXIM and Custom Services include:
Export Incentives (SEIS, MEIS, RoTDEP, EPCG, PLI, AA, DFIA etc.)
Valuation & Classification of HSN Codes
Foreign Trade Policy
Free Trade Agreements (CEPA / FTA)
SEZ/EOU/STPI/FTWZ/EHTP/BTP Registration & Compliances
Trade Facilitation and Remedies (Anti-Dumping Duty, Safeguard Duty etc)
SVB Registration & Amendment
AEO Registration & Renewal
Bonded Manufacturing Facility Registration & Compliances
Advisory & Representation
Finalization of BOEs & EDD / CEPA Refunds

Do you have any question?
Feel free to contact us anytime.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)